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Running Man Exo Episode 171

by bibcodensupcompa 2021. 1. 14.

  1. Running Man Ep 171
  2. Running Man Eng Sub Full

Running Man: Episode 171

Running Man Episode 171 - Guests: Ryu Hyun-jin & EXO.

What a dizzying episode. And it’s not just from our sheer number of guests in an hour and a half. Our star guest is in control of our cast’s future from thousands of miles away as they run around bases, build meat towers, and create impromptu food descriptions all while trying to keep clipped words at bay.

I may or may not have become an expert on all things Dodgers Stadium by the episode’s end, or maybe it feels like I’m the one who’s spun around the sick chair one too many times.

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EPISODE 171. Broadcast on November 10, 2013.

Today’s opening is a mostly recycled version of last week’s super-long intro of Ryu Hyun-jin (LA Dodgers). There are couple of adorable moments at the start, however, like how Gary shoots Ji-hyo cutesy heart baseball signals and Ji-hyo’s flubbed pitch.

The cast marvels at the baseball star’s sweet digs, joking that they should have treated him better during his last visit. Then they collectively cringe when Hyun-jin shouts out the corny magical incantation.

This time, Hyun-jin’s superpower gives him control of the cast’s future, but mostly it means that he’ll be issuing the missions today. So it’s likely he won’t even show up until much later or possibly even next week. At least the mission “choices” are straightforward: choose correctly for an easy mission or choose wrong for a hard one.

To start, the cast must guess whether Hyun-jin can hula hoop (those bumpy, weighted ones used for exercise) for more than thirty seconds. Hyun-jin is adorably and hilariously terrible at it in general, and it cracks me up how he dismisses the possibility that his twirling skills are on par with Spartakooks.

The cast makes their initial guesses, but when it’s Ji-hyo’s turn, she responds with her trademark mung expression. Ha, I’ve totally missed her blank-faced tendencies when she’s put on the spot.

However, the deciding vote falls on her, and they decide on that Hyun-jin can’t do it. Then they’re off to their first mission location.

It’s occurred to me that it really has been a while since we’ve seen our seven castmates riding altogether in one van. Their easygoing ride turns into a frenzy when a rogue bee buzzes around them and they freak out, both worried about the bee and the cameras.

They collectively gape at their first mission setup—a makeshift baseball field and a fork crane. Yipes, methinks our cast was wrong. Sure enough, they confirm the video which shows they’re in for the harder mission. (Is anyone else slightly weirded out by Hyun-jin’s bedroom-like noises?)

Then to drive a nail into the coffin, they’re told that they missed out on the other mission: a massage. While that may sound like a nice prize, Jong-kook reminds everyone that the staff would make sure it was an extremely painful massage. *squeeze*

What we’re interested in, however, is the mission they’re stuck with, and I’m not getting a good feeling about that chair attached to the crane. It’s a good thing the staff decides to demonstrate the mission with a simulation, because then we see someone sitting in the chair, twirling around like a lone flying chair from an amusement park ride.

It only gets more complicated from there since they must throw the ball to one another through a series of more tasks, then get this—toss the ball BACK to the one sitting in the crane to finish. The staff pulls it off effortlessly of course, to the cast’s astonishment.

Er, I know they have to keep doing this until they succeed, but doesn’t that also mean we could be stuck here all day? I’m getting motion-sickness just thinking about it. And if that wasn’t enough, they’ve got 99 seconds to complete the sequence.

Gary volunteers to sit in the sick chair first, and Jong-kook nearly blows his fuse at Jae-suk before he finally catches the ball. Things go a lot smoother from there until Haha is up at bat, and he bunts a ground ball. Whoops.

Coach Kookie goes into critique mode between rounds and targets Jae-suk, who retorts that they would be getting massages right now if they listened to him. They bicker for another minute, and at Jong-kook’s sly remark at the Grasshopper’s poor baseball skills, Jae-suk bites back: “You can’t even play soccer!”

Ji-hyo rallies the team before taking another swing at it, and Jong-kook and Kwang-soo miss ball after ball after ball until time runs out. Jae-suk goes on another rant about how Jong-kook is being way too harsh on Kwang-soo until he meets Spartakooks’’s eye and immediately apologizes.

Suk-jin finally steps in to switch places with Jong-kook, and it takes a few tries for the Easy Brothers to catch the ball. But then it’s Jong-kook who drops it, thanks to his reliable lack of hand-eye coordination.

In order to avoid a confrontation, Kwang-soo’s the one to get scolded for it, and after the lecture, Jae-suk sticks on a Now go and tell Jong-kook what I told you! to the maknae.

It’s only been three tries but they’re already starting to get annoyed with each other, so when Jae-suk says they should listen to the leader aka himself, they all yell back, “Who?!”

So here we go again as the ball gets passed from one team member to another, and it’s nice to see that Gary still looks optimistic whilst sitting in his chair. But things seem to be looking up as Haha hits a flyball right into Jae-suk’s waiting glove.

All Jae-suk needs to do is throw it back to Gary… but he throws it to Ji-hyo? Oh noes.

So he ends up in the sick chair as his punishment, and this time, things go smoother rather quickly until the final ten seconds. But then Suk-jin gets butterfingers and the ball slips out of his glove.

If anything, I find it entertaining that punishment = sick chair, and that’s how Suk-jin takes a spin in it himself. And spins and spins and spins. The cast eventually makes a full circuit ’round the bases, but by now, Suk-jin is dizzy and lookin’ green.

Gary takes a shot anyway, but it’s short, and they all groan. We speed ahead a bit as we see the cast members make one mistake after another, which only aggravates their frustration (and frankly, mine).

The staff has no problem with sticking with this one mission past sunset as they set up lights to prepare for such an occasion. I’m starting to think that this is one of those games where morale can only take you so far until your irritation exceeds accuracy.

And so it is, as we check in with Attempt #14 (yes, fourteen. I don’t want to know how many hours that equates to) and everyone looks EXHAUSTED at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason for the cast’s laser-focus concentration is just because they want to get it over with already. And if it’s true, I don’t blame them one bit.

They’re so close after all, and Jae-suk makes one final toss… and Gary catches it. OH THANK GOD. And aww, they gather in for a well-deserved congratulatory group hug.

Hyun-jin touts some more Dodgers Stadium facts at us along with a misconstrued headline about what looked like an altercation with a fellow teammate, but was caught just kidding around with him.

The full five-minute tour could interest baseball fanatics, though less thrilling for someone like myself. Then the question: If Hyun-jin can throw a strike after spinning ten times while holding his nose, and a ball with five spins, then what would he throw after seven spins?

The cast is split between either strike or ball, so they play rock-paper-scissors to arrive at a team decision. It’s a close match, but Jong-kook wins, which means they choose “ball.” And then Jong-kook rubs in their next mission location (a Hanwoo beef restaurant) in the other team’s faces as proof that they’ve got it right this time.

Time to check the video at the restaurant, and Hyun-jin throws a ball after all. He tosses said ball as a congratulatory prize and we see it fall out of one shot and into Suk-jin’s hands. Heh, Suk-jin is totally amazed: “I’ve always wondered how they did that!”

Ha, I love how the cast is not at all worried that Suk-jin has current possession of the baseball, all, “It’s good for us if he has it!” “Easier for us to steal later!”

We get a glimpse at what the cast missed out on: basically looking for hidden in a muddy field. And from the simulation, looking for a needle in a haystack sounds easier than that.

Here, they’ll have to construct a literal meat tower, and if it topples over, well, the staff will happily devour it. Heyyy, this girl doesn’t share her meat.

Coach Kookie immediately shifts to strategy mode, rambling on about the perfect way to cook their meat for optimal stacking. If all else fails, “The staff will eat it anyway, so let’s undercook it.”

The family spat starts off innocent enough between Jae-suk vs. Jong-kook, but that quickly escalates into a chaotic squabble… as our Peaceful Gary sits back from the noise, and adds wisely, “This is why you don’t go on family vaycays.” Hahaha.

Running Man Ep 171

They start stacking and Jong-kook gets in prime position to add his piece. But then the tower starts to tip after Kwang-soo’s turn, and it collapses before Gary can step in. Pfft, then they get grabby for the meat anyway, stuffing it into their mouths.

After a round of more bickering to replace the grill, and I’m going to be perfectly honest—all this meat is making me hungry. So is the cast as they snap at each other with grumbling stomachs, nagging about the stacking order.

They watch Gary place the final piece with great anticipation (hee, did Kwang-soo give him a peck on the cheek) but that falls too. Then the staff is extra-prepared as a PD slams a plate over the meat and makes off with it before the cast can grab a piece. Puhahaha

It’s torture enough from this side of the screen and Haha looks like he’s emptying his thoughts until it’s finally his turn. He just needs to set down the final piece, and his hyungs warn him that he’ll be deadmeat if he fails. But no pressure or anything!

Thankfully, he succeeds and the cast happily digs in. With full stomachs and higher spirits, they receive their next question from another baseball pitcher Yoon Suk-min.

The man reminds me more of MC Shin Dong-yup than anyone else, but the cast compares him to Gary and soccer sensation Jung Dae-sae. And aww, Suk-min is adorably shy.

The two baseball stars play a game and it’s up to the cast to guess who will win. Ji-hyo is left with the deciding vote, and she goes mung again. She votes for Suk-min, and it’s off to the market.

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They wonder if they got off lucky this time too, but Ji-hyo points out Myuk PD’s presence (versus Jo PD) means that they’ve got it wrong. We actually watch the entire game between the players with running commentary from the cast, which is just as amusi—zzzz….

Needless to say, it’s good news for the cast as Suk-min comes out as the winner (and Hyun-jin grumbles nearby, ha). Suk-jin gasps that he left his autographed ball back at the restaurant, but a flashback teaches us that Haha had swiped it. Muhahaha.

Aw, I would have liked to see the return of the cardboard boat game, but the easy mission sounds fun, too. It’s a word-ending shopping relay race, and Jong-kook runs out first and buys gloves.

Running Man Exo Episode 171

Meanwhile, the other toss out jokes that start with “jang,” like, “Are you kidding me?” Ji-hyo runs into trouble searching for an item, but she runs back with something. Or so we think as she exclaims, “What starts with ‘kap’?!”

Desperate, she comes back with the first thing she can grab, saying it was an expensive (the ending sounds similar to the word for “price/value”) cabbage. Hahaha. Then the caption also includes that particular ending: You were in a pinch.

Haha suggests they go for the thick-skinned tactic, ’cause to hell with the rules—if it’s close, they’ll fight for it. So while Haha is out, the others brainstorm how to bend the rules, making adjectives out of the prefixes.

Just then, Haha storms in: “Really [Jin-jja] hot pepper!” HA, well there you go.

They keep up the trend, but Suk-jin is the only one sweating bullets. They wonder what’s taking him so long, but he comes back with an acceptable item. They’ve got less than 20 seconds left when Jae-suk bursts out the door…

…then runs back in with a bundle of scallions in hand, and hollers, “Here [Ja]! Scallions!” HAHAHA. Oh god, I’m dying.

At least the staff lets them stick to the adjective-starting descriptions (though I get the feeling it’s because they want to keep moving things along), and Ji-hyo’s is adorable: “Pretty-looking radish!”

Hehe, Suk-jin keeps to the rules, and then argues that succeeding this mission is totally possible. At the end, Jae-suk runs in with this mouthful: “The farmer who shed blood to grow these ONIONS!”

They get a cheery call from Hyun-jin, who has just arrived at the airport. He teases Jong-kook, who shouts back, “I let you off easy last time!”

Then it’s time for their last question, an age-old dilemma of sorts: jjampong or jjajangmyun? When asked which one he usually eats, Hyun-jin slyly answers, “Jjamjjamyun” which is to say, half-and-half or both.

Settling on jjajangmyun, the cast heads back to the outlet where they held the opening. We learn that they got it wrong, thus their punishment is a hide-and-seek game versus idol group EXO Dragon ball z supersonic warriors 2 game boy advance download. , which some might argue isn’t much of a punishment.

Anno 1701 windows 10. Anno has beautiful graphics and demands on quite a lot of resources to run it properly, even though it is a strategy game.

The 11 (out of the original 12) EXO members set off in search of the hiding Running Man cast, who are nowhere in sight. Some of the boys start to panic as they roam the place, and Kai gets lucky(?) by discovering Jong-kook. “I can’t take him down alone!” he cries.

And ALLLLL of them come over to help. HA, epic. Jong-kook keeps Kai hostage as he tries to fight off four idol boys at once in a tight corner. With great effort, he eventually gets taken down.

Despite Gary’s well-hidden hiding spot, the EXO boys track him down too and eliminate him. They panic again at the one-minute warning, moving to safe locations for the switch.

Now the tables have turned and the cast struts around with confidence dangling on their shoelaces. Hee, does Kris have a heodang quality about him? He gets spotted by Suk-jin, who follows him into a store where two more EXO members are hiding.

But Kris makes a run for it and gets quickly pinned to the floor before getting eliminated. Haha walks back to the store where Kai and Baekhyun are, and the latter pops out with a smile before he’s tagged out.

D.O. has found himself a pretty smart hiding spot on top of the shelves, but gets caught. Then Lay wonders in his hiding spot: “Are you sure Jong-kook’s out? Then why are so many of us eliminated?” Hahaha.

Running Man Eng Sub Full

It’s 7:5 in favor of EXO a minute before the switch. The EXO boys try to lure the cast members towards them, confident.

Jae-suk bites, using up any second before time’s up… and then we cut to next week’s preview, where we hope Hyun-jin (and Suzy!) will finally join the cast.


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List of Running Man episodes (2013)
Country of originSouth Korea
No. of episodes52
Original networkSBS
Original releaseJanuary 6 –
December 29, 2013
Season chronology
List of Running Man episodes

This is a list of episodes of the South Koreanvariety showRunning Man in 2013. The show airs on SBS as part of their Good Sunday lineup.


List of episodes (episode 127–178)
#Ep. #Broadcast Date
(Filming Date)
[nb 1]
January 6, 2013
(December 18, 2012)
Choi Ji-wooJung Yong-hwaLee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE)Lee Gi-kwang (Beast)Simon Dominic (Supreme Team)Jangsado Sea Park
(Jangsado, Tongyeong, Gyeongsangnam-do)
Ji-woo Team
(Choi Ji-woo, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Yoo Jae-suk)
Ji-hyo Team
(Song Ji-hyo, Gary, Jung Yong-hwa, Lee Jong-hyun, Simon D, Gi-kwang)
Eliminate/Protect the snakeJi-hyo Team Wins
100 bags of rice were donated to orphanages in Busan under Ji-hyo Team's name.
[nb 2]
January 13, 2013
(December 30, 2012)
SBS Broadcasting Center
(Mok-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul)
Blue Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo)
Red Team
(Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Uhm Ji-Won)
Green Team
(Gary, Haha, Park Shin-yang)
Protect your bonusRed Team, Green Team Wins
Green Team received ₩20,000, Red Team received ₩2,520,000. Red Team donated their prize money to Indonesia's Java Compassion Orphanage.
January 20, 2013
(January 8, 2013)
Choi Min-ho (Shinee)Jung Yong-hwaLee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE)Kwang-hee (ZE:A)L (Infinite)Lee Joon (MBLAQ)Sulli (f(x))National Institute of Biological Resources
(Kyeongseo-dong, Seo-gu, Incheon)
Running Man Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Idol Team
(Choi Min-ho, Jung Yong-hwa, Lee Jong-hyun, Kwang-hee, L, Lee Joon, Sulli)
Defeat the other teamRunning Man Team Wins
Running Man Team members each received a gold-colored name tag.
January 27, 2013
(January 14, 2013)
No guestsNew Seoul City Hall
(Jung-gu, Seoul)
No teamsFind the last surviving member from 1938 and the treasure chestHaha Wins
Haha received gold bars.
February 3, 2013
(January 22, 2013)
Choo Sung-hoonLee Si-youngYongyu Train Depot
(Unseo-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon)
Bounty Hunting:
No teams
Earn Ddakji Money Race:
Blue Team
(Choo Sung-hoon, Haha, Yoo Jae-suk)
Red Team
(Lee Si-young, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook)
Green Team
(Gary, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Defeat the other teams ddakjiRed Team Wins
Red Team received Han-u sets.
February 10, 2013
(January 21, 2013)
Hwang Jung-minHyuna (4Minute)Park Sung-woongAsiana Town
(Gangseo-gu, Seoul)
Actor Team
(Hwang Jung-min, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Yoo Jae-suk, Park Sung-woong)[nb 3]
Singer Team
(Kim Jong-kook, Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Hyuna)[nb 4]
Deliver the seven briefcases to the bossActor Team Wins
Gary, Hwang Jung-min, Lee Kwang-soo, Park Sung-woong, Yoo Jae-suk received an undisclosed prize.
104133February 17, 2013
(February 3, 2013)
Macau International Airport/Fisherman's Wharf:
Yoo Jae-suk & Haha
Gary & Song Ji-hyo
Ji Suk-jin & Lee Kwang-soo
Macau Tower/Senado Square:
Yellow Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Han Hye-jin)
Green Team
(Gary, Song Ji-hyo, Lee Dong-wook)
Blue Team
(Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo)
Defeat the other teamsYellow Team Wins
Yellow Team received a golden sword.
[nb 5]
February 24, 2013
(February 4, 2013)
Keangnam Hanoi Landmark Tower
(Hanoi, Vietnam)
Green Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo)
Yellow Team
(Gary, Haha, Han Hye-jin)
Blue Team
(Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Lee Dong-wook)
March 3, 2013
(February 19, 2013)
Jackie ChanSiwon (Super Junior)Kwanghee Fashion Mall
(Sindang-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul)
Blue Team
(Jackie Chan, Yoo Jae-suk, Song Ji-hyo)
Red Team
(Siwon, Gary, Kim Jong-kook)
Green Team
(Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo)
Throw a dart into the golden zoneRed Team Wins
Red Team received a golden boot and gifted it to Jackie as a memento.
[nb 5]
March 10, 2013
(February 5, 2013)
Hoa Lu
No teamsDefeat the other membersSong Ji-hyo Wins
[nb 6]
March 17, 2013
(March 5, 2013)
Noh Sa-yeonUee (After School)Jo In-joo Boxing Club
(Wonhyoro-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul)
Green On Dal Team
(Uee, Lee Kwang-soo, Yoo Jae-suk)
Orange On Dal Team
(Noh Sa-yeon, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook)
Blue On Dal Team
(Song Ji-hyo, Gary, Haha)
Defeat the other princessesGreen On Dal Team Wins
Uee received a pair of gold rings, which one was given to Lee Kwang-soo.
March 24, 2013
(March 18, 2013)
Kim Soo-roKim Woo-binLee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE)Lee Jong-sukMin Hyo-rinHaewon High School
(Gyeongseo-dong, Seo-gu, Incheon)
Athletics Department
(Kim Jong-kook, Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Theatre Department
(Kim Soo-ro, Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Woo-bin, Lee Jong-hyun, Lee Jong-suk, Min Hyo-rin)
Gain control of the school flagTheatre Department Wins
March 31, 2013
(March 19, 2013)
The MVL Hotel Kintex
(Janghang-dong, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang, Gyeonggi-do)
Part 1:
Yoo Jae-suk & Song Ji-hyo
Kim Jong-kook & Go Ara
Gary & Lee Yeon-hee
Haha & Lee Kwang-soo
Ji Suk-jin
Part 2:
Yoo Jae-suk & Lee Kwang-soo
Kim Jong-kook & Go Ara
Gary & Lee Yeon-hee
Haha & Song Ji-hyo
Ji Suk-jin
Part 3:
Mission Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Lee Yeon-hee)
Chasing Team
(Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Go Ara)
Find the real siblingsGo Ara Wins
Go Ara received a pair of gold 'R' pins, which one was given to Kim Jong-kook.
110140April 7, 2013
(March 25, 2013)
No guestsEcoplex
(Maseo-myeon, Seocheon-gun, Chungcheongnam-do)
Mission Team
(Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo)
Yoo-mes Bond
(Yoo Jae-suk)
(Song Ji-hyo)
Find the laughing vaccine to save the world
Yoo-mes Bond mission: Eliminate the culprit
Culprit mission: Eliminate all members and frame Yoo Jae-suk
Yoo Jae-suk Wins
April 14, 2013
(April 2, 2013)
Eun Ji-wonJessica (Girls' Generation)Everland
(Yongin, Gyeonggi-do)
No teamsDefeat the other membersLee Kwang-soo Wins
Lee Kwang-soo received a golden crown.
[nb 7]
April 21, 2013
(April 1, 2013)
Gwangnaru Safety Experience Center
(Neung-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul)
Best Couple Race:
Pink Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Bo-young)
Green Team
(Gary, Song Ji-hyo, Lee Sang-yoon)
Yellow Team
(Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo)
Couple Bells Hide and Seek:
Mission Team
(Yoo Jae-suk & Song Ji-hyo, Ji Suk-jin & Lee Bo-young, Kim Jong-kook & Lee Kwang-soo, Gary & Lee Sang-yoon)
Chasing Team
Stay alive within the allotted timeHaha Wins
Haha received a pair of golden bracelets.
[nb 8]
April 28, 2013
(April 15, 2013)
Kim In-kwonLee Kyung-kyuRyu Hyun-kyungSeoul City Hall
(Jung-gu, Seoul)
Orange Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Lee Kyung-kyu)
Blue Team
(Gary, Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Kim In-kwon, Ryu Hyun-kyung)
Receive the highest score in 'Superpowers Karaoke'Orange Team Wins

Orange Team received a gold trophy, which was given to Lee Hyun-kyung

[nb 9]
May 5, 2013
(April 16, 2013)
Cha In-pyoRicky KimSeo Jang-hoonNamsan Elementary School Seocheon Branch
(Chuncheon, Gangwon-do)
Take Off The Name Tags:
No teams
Donation Angel Race:
Yoo Jae-suk & Cha In-pyo
Kim Jong-kook & Ricky Kim
Gary & Song Ji-hyo
Haha & Seo Jang-hoon
Ji Suk-jin & Lee Kwang-soo
Defeat the other teams ddakjiYoo Jae-suk & Cha In-pyo Wins
1,000 pairs of running shoes were donated to Gangwon Child Welfare Association and Gangwon Council on Social Welfare under Yoo Jae-suk and Cha In-pyo's name.
[nb 10]
May 12, 2013
(April 30, 2013)
Jeon Hye-binJeong Jinwoon (2AM)Kim Byung-manNoh Woo-jinPark Jung-chulGyeonggi English Village Paju Camp
(Tanhyeon-myeon, Paju, Gyeonggi-do)
Running Man Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Law of the Jungle Team
(Kim Byung-man, Haha, Jeon Hye-bin, Jinwoon, Noh Woo-jin, Park Jung-chul)
Defeat the other teamLaw of the Jungle Team Wins
Law of the Jungle Team members each received a gold ring.
May 19, 2013
(May 6, 2013)
Kim Sang-kyungUhm Jung-hwaWolseong Nuclear Energy Information Center
(Uljin-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do)
Detective Team 1
(Kim Sang-kyung, Song Ji-hyo, Yoo Jae-suk)
Detective Team 2
(Uhm Jung-hwa, Gary, Kim Jong-kook)
Traitors Club
(Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo)
Catch the Traitors ClubDetective Team 1 Wins
Kim Sang-kyung, Song Ji-hyo, Yoo Jae-suk each received a gold badge. Song Ji-hyo also received the privilege to have a future episode based on her.
May 26, 2013
(May 13, 2013)
Sogang University
(Mapo-gu, Seoul)
Blue Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Lee Kwang-soo, Kim Soo-hyun)
Red Team
(Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Hyun-woo)
Green Team
(Gary, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo)
Win in tug of warGreen Team Wins
Green Team received a gold trophy.
June 2, 2013
(May 27, 2013)
Jeong Jun-haSo Yi-hyunGapyeong Gymnasium
(Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do)
Red Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Jeong Jun-ha)
Yellow Team
(Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, So Yi-hyun)
Blue Team
(Gary, Haha, Song Ji-hyo)
Complete the dominoRed Team Wins
Red Team received a gold spoon.
June 9, 2013
(May 14, 2013)
Kim Soo-miKim SookKwon Ri-se (Ladies' Code)Park So-hyunSong Eun-iNational Folk Museum of Korea
(Jongno-gu, Seoul)
Yoo Jae-suk & Kim Soo-mi
Gary & Park So-hyun
Haha & Song Eun-i
Ji Suk-jin & Song Ji-hyo
Kim Jong-kook & Kim Sook
Lee Kwang-soo & Kwon Ri-se[nb 11]
Gain nine tails to become a GumihoHaha & Song Eun-i Wins
Song Eun-i received a golden cintamani.
[nb 12]
[nb 13]
June 16, 2013
(June 3, 2013)
ChansungTaecyeon (2PM)Choo Sung-hoonJung Doo-hongSQUARE1
(Dongchun-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon)
Superhero Capability Assessment:
Yoo Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo)
Kook Team
(Kim Jong-kook, Gary, Haha, Song Ji-hyo)
Final Match:
No teams
Defeat the other membersChoo Sung-hoon Wins
[nb 12]
June 23, 2013
(June 10, 2013)
Han Hyo-jooJung Woo-sungJunho (2PM)SBS Broadcasting Center
(Mok-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul)
Seocheon Order of Arrival Game:
No teams
Death God Race:
Running Man Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Han Hyo-joo, Junho)
Death Note Team
(Jung Woo-sung, Haha, Lee Kwang-soo)
Defeat the other teamRunning Man Team Wins
Running Man Team received an undisclosed prize.
152June 30, 2013
(June 11, 2013)
Baekje Cultural Complex
(Gyuam-myeon, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do)
Blue Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Haha, Song Ji-hyo, Jung Woo-sung)
Red Team
(Kim Jong-kook, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo, Han Hyo-joo, Junho)
Blue Team Wins
Blue Team received a digital camera, icebox, Han-u, rice, bicycle, television, fan, grill, tent, espresso machine and sunscreen.
[nb 14]
July 7, 2013
(June 19, 2013)
Koo Ja-cheolPark Ji-sungPatrice EvraSulli (f(x))Korea Polar Research Institute
(Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon)
Ji-sung Team
(Park Ji-sung, Gary, Haha, Yoo Jae-suk, Sulli)
Ja-cheol Team
(Koo Ja-cheol, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Ji-sung Team Wins
Ji-sung Team received 2 2013 Asian Dream Cup invitations.
[nb 14]
July 14, 2013
(June 22 & 23, 2013)
Hongkou Football Stadium
(Shanghai, China)
Ji-sung Team
(Park Ji-sung, Gary, Haha, Yoo Jae-suk, Sulli)
Evra Team
(Patrice Evra, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Evra Team Wins
Evra Team received 2 2013 Asian Dream Cup invitations. Park Ji-sung chose Yoo Jae-suk and Haha while Patrice Evra chose Kim Jong-kook and Lee Kwang-soo to participate in the 2013 Asian Dream Cup.
July 21, 2013
(July 1, 2013)
Suzy (Miss A)Incheon National University
(Yeonsu-gu, Incheon)
4 Periods Graduation Race:
Division 1
(Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Suzy)
Division 2
(Gary, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Find Your Partner of Fate:
Running Man Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo)
Ghost Sisters
(Song Ji-hyo, Suzy)
Ghost Sisters Wins
July 28, 2013
(July 16, 2013)
CLMinzyPark BomSandara Park (2NE1)Hangang Park
(Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul)
Pink Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Lee Kwang-soo, Minzy, Park Bom)
Orange Team
(Gary, Haha, CL, Sandara Park)
Green Team
(Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo)[nb 15]
Collect 21 litres of waterPink Team Wins
Pink Team received a golden flying saucer, which was given to 2NE1.
August 4, 2013
(July 22, 2013)
Ahn Gil-kangJung Woong-inKim Hee-wonTangeum Lake International Rowing Stadium
(Gageum-myeon, Chungju, Chungcheongbuk-do)
Suspect Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Lee Kwang-soo, Ahn Gil-kang Jung Woong-in, Kim Hee-won)
Prosecutor Team
(Kim Jong-kook, Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo)
Find the evidence and win the trialSuspect Team Wins
August 11, 2013
(August 5, 2013)
Jeon Mi-seonMoon Jung-heeSon Hyun-jooGoyang Aqua Studio
(Deogyang-gu, Goyang, Gyeonggi-do)
Acupressure Mat Hopscotch:
Blue Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Song Ji-hyo, Son Hyun-joo)
Orange Team
(Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Jeon Mi-seon)
Yellow Team
(Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo, Moon Jung-hee)
Back Number Hide and Seek Race:
No teams
Guess everyone's numberSon Hyun-joo Wins
Son Hyun-joo received 3 gold rings.
August 18, 2013
(August 7, 2013)
Jo Jung-chi (Shinchireem)John ParkJung-inKim Kwang-kyuKim Ye-rimPark Sang-myunSayuri FujitaYangju KBS Relay Station
(Hoecheon-1-dong, Yangju, Gyeonggi-do)
Yoo Jae-suk & Kim Kwang-kyu
Gary & Song Ji-hyo
Haha & Sayuri Fujita
Ji Suk-jin & Park Sang-myun
Kim Jong-kook & Kim Ye-rim
Lee Kwang-soo & John Park
Jo Jung-chi & Jung-in
Earn gold bars and choose between the gold and your partnerGary & Song Ji-hyo, Jo Jung-chi & Jung-in Wins
Gary received 2 gold bars. Song Ji-hyo received 6 gold bars. Jo Jung-chi received 4 gold bars.
[nb 16][31]
August 25, 2013
(August 19 & 20, 2013)
AndyEricHye-sungJun JinMin-woo(Shinhwa)Daeijak Island
(Ongjin-gun, Incheon)
No teamsSolve the 'Curse of 'Get' Pearl'Shinhwa Team Wins
Shinhwa Team members received a chest of gold coins.
161September 1, 2013
(August 20, 2013)
Seungbong Island
(Ongjin-gun, Incheon)
Running Man Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Shinhwa Team
(Andy, Eric, Hye-sung, Jun Jin, Min-woo)
[nb 17]
September 8, 2013
(August 26, 2013)
ChansungWooyoung (2PM)Da-somHyo-rin (Sistar)Jung Eun-jiSon Na-eun (Apink)LSung-kyu (Infinite)Lee Gi-kwangYoon Doo-joon (Beast)Lee JoonSeung-ho (MBLAQ)Min-ahYu-ra (Girl's Day)Old Cheongju Tobacco Factory
(Sangdang-gu, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do)
Jae-suk & Girl's Day
(Yoo Jae-suk, Min-ah, Yu-ra)
Gary & Apink
(Gary, Son Na-eun, Jung Eun-ji)
Haha & Infinite
(Haha, L, Sunggyul)
Suk-jin & 2PM
(Ji Suk-jin, Chansung, Wooyoung)
Jong-kook & Sistar
(Kim Jong-kook, Hyo-rin, Da-som)
Kwang-soo & MBLAQ
(Lee Kwang-soo, Lee Joon, Yang Seung-ho)
Ji-hyo & Highlight
(Song Ji-hyo, Lee Gi-kwang, Yoon Doo-joon)
Escape the cage, solve the tangram and unlock the flag using the earned timeJi-hyo & Highlight Wins
Song Ji-hyo, Lee Gi-kwang and Yoon Doo-joon received a gold trophy.
September 15, 2013
(September 2, 2013)
Dae-sungG-DragonSeung-ri (Big Bang)Icheon Art Hall
(Jungri-dong, Icheon, Gyeonggi-do)
Princess Ji-hyo
(Song Ji-hyo)
Dae-sung Team
(Dae-sung, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo)
G-Dragon Team
(G-Dragon, Yoo Jae-suk, Gary)
Seung-ri Team
(Seung-ri, Haha, Ji Suk-jin)
Have the highest cumulative number in cardsPrincess Ji-hyo Wins
Song Ji-hyo received 6 gold bars.
[nb 18]
[nb 19]
September 22, 2013
(September 3, 2013)
Kim Hae-sookYoo Ah-inBaekbul Traditional House
(Dunsan-dong, Dong-gu, Daegu)
Hae-sook's Family
(Kim Hae-sook, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Yoo Jae-suk)
Ji-hyo's Family
(Song Ji-hyo, Gary, Haha, Lee Kwang-soo, Yoo Ah-in)
Make the absolute dishJi-hyo's Family Wins
Ji-hyo's Family received a gold ladle which was given to Kim Hae-sook.
132165September 29, 2013
(September 16, 2013)
No guestsWabu Middle School
(Wabu-eup, Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do)
No teamsPlace the picture taken with the girl in the photobookJi Suk-jin Wins
[nb 20]
October 6, 2013
(October 1, 2013)
Choi Jin-hyukKim Woo-binPark Shin-hyeSBS Broadcasting Center
(Mok-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul)
RM Fashion Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Choi Jin-hyuk, Kim Woo-bin, Park Shin-hye)
RM Oil Team
(Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Have a higher balanceChoi Jin-hyuk Wins
Choi Jin-hyuk received a gold nameplate.
October 13, 2013
(September 17, 2013)
National Museum of Korean Contemporary History
(Jongno-gu, Seoul)
Punk High Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Song Ji-hyo, Chun Jung-myung)
Tiger High Team
(Kim Jong-kook, Gary, Kim Min-jung)
Betrayal High Team
(Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo)
Secret Police
(Lee Kwang-soo, Kim Min-jung)
Find the 'Legendary Backpack'Kim Min-jung Wins
October 20, 2013
(September 30, 2013)
IUPark Myeong-suSuwon World Cup Stadium Swimming Pool
(Paldal-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do)
Red Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Lee Kwang-soo, IU)
White Team
(Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Park Myung-soo)
Blue Team
(Gary, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo)
Bet the ratio of 'wolf' and 'sheep' cardsGary & Song Ji-hyo Wins
Gary and Song Ji-hyo received 9 gold bars.
October 27, 2013
(October 14, 2013)
Mayhills Resort
(Gohan-eup, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do)
Escape the Helmet Race:
No teams
Bells Hide and Seek:
Defense Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Haha, Joo Sang-wook, Yang Dong-geun)
Offense Team
(Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Defeat the other teamDefense Team Wins
Defense Team received speciality products of Jeongseon.
November 3, 2013
(October 15, 2013)
Kim Yoo-jungT.O.P (Big Bang)Yoon Je-moonSamtan Art Mine
(Gohan-eup, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do)
Dorothy Expedition Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Kim Yoo-jung, T.O.P, Yoon Je-moon)
(Ji Suk-jin)
Defeat the wizardKim Yoo-jung Wins
Kim Yoo-jung received 3 gold rings, which 2 of those were given to T.O.P and Yoon Je-moon each.
Ryu Hyun-jinSuzy (Miss A)Lotte Outlets Buyeo Store
(Gyuam-myeon, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do)
Ryu Hyun-jin's Choice:
No teams
Bells Hide and Seek:
Running Man Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Exo Team
(Baekhyun, Chen, D.O., Kai, Kris, Lay, Lu Han, Sehun, Suho, Tao, Xiumin)
Complete the missions given by Ryu Hyun-jinRunning Man Team Wins
[nb 21]
November 10, 2013
(October 29, 2013)
[nb 21]
November 17, 2013
(October 29 & November 12, 2013)
Korean Folk Village
(Mokhyeon-dong, Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do)
Late Autumn MT Race:
Suzy Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Suzy)
Hyun-jin Team
(Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Ryu Hyun-jin)
Traitors Team
(Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo)
MT Cooking Battle:
(Ryu Hyun-jin)
Running Man Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Suzy)
N/AHaha, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Ryu Hyun-jin, Suzy Wins
Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Ji Suk-jin must washed the dishes.
[nb 21]
November 24, 2013
(November 12 & 13, 2013)
Namyangju Little Baseball Park
(Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do)
Earn Superpower Money Race:
No teams
Superpowers Baseball:
Jae-suk Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Kim Hyun-soo, Lee Byung-kyu)
Hyun-jin Team
(Ryu Hyun-jin, Gary, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Suzy, Shin Kyung-hyun)
Win the 'Superpowers Baseball' matchHyun-jin Team Wins
Hyun-jin Team members each received a gold ring.
December 1, 2013
(November 18, 2013)
Bo-ra (Sistar)Han Hye-jinLee Seung-gi'R' Warehouse
(Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul)
Yoo Jae-suk & Han Hye-jin
Gary & Song Ji-hyo
Ji Suk-jin & Haha
Kim Jong-kook & Bo-ra
Lee Kwang-soo & Lee Seung-gi
Solve the NumberLee Kwang-soo & Lee Seung-gi Wins
Lee Kwang-soo and Lee Seung-gi received 5 gold bars.
December 8, 2013
(November 25, 2013)
POSCO Green Building
(Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon)
Point Out the Suspect Race:
Red Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Lee Kwang-soo, Gong Yoo)
Blue Team
(Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Park Hee-soon)
Green Team
(Gary, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo)
Take Off the Target Name Tags:
No teams
Defeat the other membersHaha Wins
Haha received a golden card.
[nb 22]
December 15, 2013
(November 26, 2013)
Jang Ki-haJun Hyun-mooKim Kwang-kyuLee JuckMuzie [ko]SBS Broadcasting Center
(Mok-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul)
11-Person Trendy Men Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Jang Ki-ha, Jun Hyun-moo, Kim Kwang-kyu, Lee Juck, Muzie)
Guess the survey's rankings11-Person Trendy Men Team Wins
11-Person Trendy Men Team members each received a gold coin.
[nb 23]
[nb 24]
December 22, 2013
(December 9, 2013)
Gil (Leessang)NAVER Green Factory
(Jeongja-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do)
Blue Team
(Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin)
Red Team
(Haha, Kim Jong-kook)
Yellow Team
(Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo)
Leessang Team
(Gary, Gil)
Stand on the platformLeessang Team Wins
Gary and Gil received 7 gold bars.
[nb 25]
[nb 26]
December 29, 2013
(December 10, 2013)
No guestsHangang Park
(Mapo-gu, Seoul)
Running Man TeamProduction TeamEarn the Running BallsProduction Team Wins
Due to the production staffs' mistake, the Production Team got water-bombed instead of the Running Man Team.


  1. ^New Year's Special.
  2. ^Special appearance by announcer Kim Hwan [ko], SBS Director of Entertainment Programming Park Jung-hoon, and model Jung Ha-eun.
  3. ^Song Ji-hyo was a spy for the Singer Team.
  4. ^Gary was a spy for the Actor Team.
  5. ^ abAsia Race Special.
  6. ^Special appearance by child actress, Park Min-ha.
  7. ^Special appearance by announcer Kim Hwan [ko] as the lottery host.
  8. ^Special appearance by Park Hyun-bin.
  9. ^Children's Day Special.
  10. ^Special appearance by Son Ye-jin through the phone.
  11. ^During the final mission, a gumiho can take the name tag of the male members to make them a part of her team.
  12. ^ abSummer Special.
  13. ^Special appearance by Kim Dong-hyun.
  14. ^ abKoo Ja-cheol only appears on the first day (ep 153). Patrice Evra only appears on the 2nd and 3rd day (ep 154). Special appearance by Kim Bo-kyung, Ji Dong-won, Choi Min-ho (Shinee) during the Asian Dream Cup match.
  15. ^Tae-yang teamed up with the Green Team for the missions at YG Entertainment headquarters.
  16. ^The guests only briefly appeared in ep 160 in the 2nd day.
  17. ^Min-ah and Yu-ra (Girl's Day) had to leave early due to scheduling conflicts.
  18. ^Chuseok Special.
  19. ^Special appearance by announcer Kim Hwan [ko] as a lawyer and host.
  20. ^Special appearance by comedians Cultwo, broadcaster Im Sung-hoon [ko], actress Park So-hyun, announcer Park Min-ji, comedian Byun Ki-soo [ko], actor Hong Rok-ki [ko], announcer Park Sun-young [ko], M.I.B, chief producer Nam Seung-yong, Min-ah and Yu-ra (Girl's Day).
  21. ^ abcYoon Suk-min only appeared on the 1st day (ep 171) to assist in presenting a mission. Baekhyun, Chen, D.O., Kai, Kris, Lay, Lu Han, Sehun, Suho, Tao, Xiumin (Exo) only appeared on the 1st day (ep 171 and 1st half of ep 172) to compete in a mission. Ryu Hyun-jin makes a special appearance on the 1st day (ep 171) delivering missions and acted as the guest on ep 172 & 173. Suzy (Miss A) only appeared on the 2nd and 3rd day (ep 172 & 173). Lee Byung-kyu, Kim Hyun-soo, Shin Kyung-hyun [ko] only appear on the 3rd day (ep 173) to compete in a mission. Special appearance by broadcaster Heo Jun, as referee during 'Superpowers Baseball' match.
  22. ^Song Ji-hyo only acted as host and did not participate in the race.
  23. ^Christmas Special.
  24. ^Special appearance by Choiza, Gaeko (Dynamic Duo), Jo Jung-chi (Shinchireem), Jung Eun-ji, Park Cho-rong, Yoon Bo-mi (Apink), Jung-in.
  25. ^Year-End Special.
  26. ^Special appearance by announcer Kim Hwan [ko].


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  3. ^‘박수건달’ 박신양, ‘런닝맨’에서 숨겨둔 운동신경 공개 (in Korean). Star Today. 27 December 2012. Retrieved 28 December 2012.Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
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  43. ^김현수 이병규 신경현 ‘런닝맨’ 출격, 야구영웅들 다모였다 (in Korean). Newsen. 17 November 2013. Retrieved 17 November 2013.Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
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  46. ^이적·장기하·전현무·김광규, '런닝맨' 출연…여대서 촬영 (in Korean). My Daily. 27 November 2013. Retrieved 27 November 2013.Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  47. ^길 크리스마스 특집 ‘런닝맨’ 출연, 리쌍 예능서 만났다 (in Korean). Newsen. 10 December 2013. Retrieved 10 December 2013.Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)

External links[edit]

  • (in Korean)Running Man on the Official Good Sunday page
  • (in Korean)Running Man Official Homepage on SBSThe Soty
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